School Programs

Posture Patrol runs programs in primary and secondary schools.

All components of the programs are based on the latest scientific literature and recommendations. Studies have shown favourable results in terms of student learning and implementation.

The school programs were developed because Stephanie had so many clients say "I wish I had learnt this at school".

She went on the review the physiotherapy research conducted on children. This research was strongly pointing to a need for this education for all students.

If you'd like to know more about the school programs, call us today and find out more about how we can help your students improve their posture.

Leading physiotherapist comment on postural health issues in schools:

Australian Physiotherapy Association President Cathy Nall, 2006 - "Poor posture leads to back, neck and shoulder pain and can cause other problems for students in later life... we all have a duty of care to ensure that our children aren't being subject to pain now and damage later by simply getting an education"





Corporate Programs

Posture Patrol runs a variety of programs for business and staff.

Musculoskeletal problems are the foremost health concern associated with computer use.

Musculoskeletal disorders lead to high human and financial cost. In addition to workers compensation claims productivity is decreased as employees' productivity falls and they take time off work.

"How you use your computer can be a major cause of back neck and shoulder pain. Poor posture while sitting at the computer and lack of regular breaks and exercise can all contribute to the problem." Australian Physiotherapy Association , 2006

What begins as physical discomfort can lead to injury and disability.

Our programs can be tailored to suit your organisations requirement including information seminars, group posture education classes, individual posture and/or ergonomic assessment, ongoing exercise classes (physiotherapy based posture and pilates classes).

Call us today to discuss the program that's right for your business and staff.